Everything Else Audra
…she’s always up to something…
Creating Memories | Portraits, Paintings, and Drawings
Portraits: A unique way to immortalize a loved one. Portraits are a special way to create a...
Daily Drawings – Patreon Suggestion Week
For all of 2020, I have been doing a daily drawing. Sometimes complex, sometimes simple, these...
Doodling is Important
Doodling is important. It keeps your brain active, and an active brain keeps learning. But besides...
Want to Draw Better? Draw More Often.
I’ve had countless people say to me, “I wish I could draw as good as you!” And as I’ve had more...
Audra’s Little Monster Menagerie
A collection of comrades to delight and heal. The Hooligans are thermoplastic sculptures that...
Wandering the Forest
Many years ago, I went to my first nerd convention. It was pretty small, especially compared to...
Creating Doubt
I sculpted this Hooligan, “Doubt,” in June 2014. Unlike the previous Hooligans, which are about...